3-Part Course - Teaching about the Holocaust, Empowering Students
Ended Sep 3, 2022
6 credits
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Full course description
Participate in three modules which will provide you with an overview of Echoes & Reflections and its associated resources, a sound pedagogy for teaching about the Holocaust, background information on the history of antisemitism, and time to consider effective use of several primary sources when teaching about this complex topic.
Course Details:
- Program includes three interactive modules released over three weeks; approximately 6 hours to complete in total – at no cost
- Proceed at your own pace each week, be supported by an instructor, and enjoy interaction with other educators
- Complete all three modules for a 6-hour certificate
- Final module includes additional time to complete optional final project for a 10-hour certificate
- Graduate credit available through the University of the Pacific. Please visit their site for more information.
Course Schedule:
- Module I: Opens Monday, August 8th, 2022
- Module II: Opens Monday, August 15th, 2022
- Module III: Opens Monday, August 22nd, 2022
- Optional Final Project: Due Friday, September 2nd, 2022
After completing this course, you will be able to:
- Learn about the comprehensive resources available in Echoes & Reflections.
- Be introduced to a sound pedagogy for teaching about the Holocaust.
- Practice instructional strategies designed to help your students learn about the complex history of the Holocaust.
- Enhance your own knowledge about the history of antisemitism.
- Identify strategies for integrating visual history testimony into your Holocaust instruction.
- Develop strategies for introducing students to a variety of primary sources.
- (Optional) Prepare a final project to take back to the classroom.
- Become part of a network of educators teaching about the Holocaust and genocide.